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Carbide Rods A Series/硬质合金棒材
Carbide Rods G Series/硬质合金棒材
Carbide End Mill/硬质合金立铣刀
Tungsten Carbide Powde/碳化钨粉末
Drill Aluminum SiC/整体PCD钻头
PCD Composite Sheet/PCD复合片
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PCD composite sheets/PCD复合片
Carbide rods export is stable /硬质
Chinese Customers Like EXE End Mil
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用户 Desiree Devanny 留言: 2021/6/30 22:29:28
Hi , I am following up on my message below. Who would I speak with about handling your US order fulfillment and shipping? Regards, Desiree order-fulfillment.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi, Who would I speak with at your company that manages your product shipping and order fulfillment? We are US company, offering warehousing, order fulfillment and drop shipping to our customers since 2005. Here are some of the items we ship for clients: -Books, training manuals, guides -E-com product drop shipping -New member welcomes boxes and gifts -Product samples -Health and Medical supplements -Marketing materials -Medical program test kits -Follow up gifts to clients, leads, and prospects Do you have some time to discuss - phone / email ? Thanks, Fulfillment Specialist www.Order-Fulfillment.net
用户 郭伟豪 留言: 2021/3/31 13:47:40
您好,我们是位于日本栃木県的一家专门做滚刀的公司(伊泽技术研究所) 看到贵司的主页产品的滚齿机,我司非常期待能与贵司合作,给贵司提供各种我们公司生产的滚刀搭载在贵司的机器上,如有兴趣请联系我留下的邮箱。
用户 吴先生 留言: 2021/1/14 19:52:51
用户 朱先生 留言: 2020/3/5 19:52:51
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